Artemis, in her first life, was worshiped in Ancient Greece. Although she had many other
names, she preferred to be known as Artemis above all else. She had temples built across the
entire country, and was well loved by her people. Even though she was heralded as the
Goddess of the Hunt at the time, she had another role.
Alongside the rest of the Gods, who were scattered all around the world and worshiped
throughout several countries, Artemis was intrinsically linked to the Earth and to humanity, each
God tasked with using their powers to keep a part of Earth balanced. Their powers and their
strength was totally dependent on how many people believed in them, how strong their worship
was. The only way to truly kill a God is for them to lose all of their worshipers. Should a God die,
it would mean that their connection to Earth would be severed, and whatever their power kept in
balance would begin to hurl out of control.
For Artemis, this was the moon.
Hundreds of years passed, with Artemis peacefully keeping watch over her people and
over the moon. She and her fellow Gods lived happily, unbothered by the changing times and
the looming threats of war from across the sea. They were quickly punished for their hubris.
Humanity’s love began to sway, and their gaze looked towards the new discoveries that were
being uncovered. People's hearts were no longer devoted towards the Gods that protected
them. Over time, the Gods were being abandoned.
One of the Gods piped up with an idea: they would seal themselves away in the bodies
of humans. They reasoned that they wouldn’t need to rely on temples for power if they could live
on using the bloodlines of humans as their anchors. As long as their bloodline didn’t run out, the
Gods would be able to live forever. The idea gained traction, spreading across the globe, and
slowly but surely, the other Gods came to agree with the idea.
Artemis, at first, was resistant to the idea. She didn’t want to resort to running and hiding,
and believed that her worshippers were strong enough for her to survive the onslaught of
change. She believed that she would always have a place in their hearts.
However, the belief and love of her people could only carry her so far. When her temples
fell, her people vanished, fleeing their homes alongside the rest of the Gods. Alone, Artemis
was left with only one choice - to seal herself away in the bloodline of a human, just like the
other Gods had.
As she did, Artemis fell into a state of half sleep.
The years passed with Artemis only slightly aware of how much time had gone by. She
knew it’d been a long time, though. Long enough for some of the other Gods that she’d once
walked alongside to have died, the bloodline of the humans they’d sealed themselves in slowly
diluting with each passing generation until, eventually, that God was no longer able to sustain
themselves and couldn’t surface to regain their power. She knew that some of them died that
way, but she couldn’t tell who. All she knew was that there were few of the original Gods left.
However, Artemis found herself with a final chance to regain her full strength, her soul
slumbering in the body of a girl who shared the name of the Goddess. This Artemis - nicknamed
Arty for short - was compatible with Artemis, more so than any single person of her bloodline. In
Arty, Artemis could be reborn.

However, she hesitated as she learned more about Arty. Arty was just a girl with her own
life, filled with hopes and dreams, and Artemis hesitated to take that away from her. Artemis
knew that if she chose to resurface, she would take over Arty’s body, and Arty would cease to
exist. It would mean, in no uncertain terms, Arty’s death.
But as the years passed, Artemis was left with very little choice.
As the deaths of the other Gods began to weigh down upon the world, Artemis noticed
that there were things that began to change in the world. The seas began to rise, the rains
began to cease, and the Earth itself began to fall out of balance. As one of the last Gods
remaining, she could feel the weight of responsibility on her shoulders. She had a job to do to
return Earth to its balanced state.
There was too much at stake for Artemis to do nothing.
Using what little power she could access, she reached out to Arty, hoping that the girl
would be able to hear the voice of the Goddess. She struggled, unable to anchor to anything
concrete. Their blood connection was too weak, despite Arty’s possession of the Charm of the
Huntress, the symbol of Artemis’ presence in her family line. Artemis, instead, decided to focus
on something else, something with great emotional value. Something that Arty was bound to
listen to should it start to echo with Artemis’s voice.
Artemis settled on a slime plushie that Arty often carried with her, one of the last gifts
that Arty’s mother gave her before passing. Settling her consciousness into the plush, she
began to speak to Arty.
At first, it was only at night. Artemis told her sleeping vessel of the past, back in Ancient
Greece, and of how she came to be sealed away in a human bloodline. She explained what the
Gods powers were capable of, and what Arty herself would be capable of if she could harness
the powers in Artemis’s soul. Meanwhile, Arty’s dreams took a dark turn.
She dreamed of what would happen should the moon, Artemis’s domain, fall out of
balance. Arty saw the oceans swell out of control, the tides rising so high that the water began
to swallow cities. She saw the nights growing longer and longer until daylight became a rare
sighting. She saw life on Earth dying as plants struggled to grow with so little sunlight, an issue
that eventually led to a worldwide famine.
She saw what would, given enough time, lead to the end of the world as she knew it.
Her nightmares grew more and more intense as time wore on, until Artemis realized that
there was only one path left. She revealed herself, speaking through the slime plush, and
offered to explain Arty’s recurring dreams. Arty listened, horrified, and asked what she could do
to prevent the future that she saw whenever she closed her eyes.
Artemis hesitated, but revealed that there was only one way: for Arty to train under
Artemis’s guidance and learn to harness the power of the Goddess in her soul. If she could
become strong enough to control Artemis’s true power, she could allow Artemis to use her body
and prevent the moon from falling out of balance.
But if she couldn’t, she would die.
Despite all of the risk, Arty agreed to begin her training, deciding to trust the strange
Goddess in her slime plush. After all, there was only so much time left before that nightmarish
future came to pass